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Book Project

I did a thing that I never thought I could do and wrote a book...well 2 books, but who's counting.

I didn't actually write it in my pjs at the beach as the stock photo below would imply, but that would have been lovely. 


Read an excerpt below and follow me here and on social media for updates on publishing. 

Working at the Beach

As I stood at the window next to my husband’s second secret girlfriend watching my knight in shining armor run off shoeless into the night, I pondered how all of my childhood storybooks had left out this part of the Happily Ever After.  As she and I parted ways and wished each other better taste in men in the future, I wondered “How the fuck did I end up here?”

This is a book about me and the choices that I made to get me to today. Some of those choices were not great choices and when those choices landed me and my kids in a super unhappy place I had to stop and think about those choices and why I made them.  That sounds simple, but when the choices that you make don’t make sense to even you, The Maker of Terrible Life Choices, then the unraveling of them gets complicated and messy and hurty.  

The hardest choices I made were in cobbling together some kind of “parenting style” to raise my boys into normal, functioning humans.  That sounds easy except when you calculate in that I didn't have the best role models for positive parenting and that the fathers of these boys had exited stage left and left me in the spotlight alone.  I had to choose how to proceed in raising these men with nary a reputable, dependable male role model in sight. 

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